
We’d really appreciate your support!

It takes work to create educational content and manage a website like this for the benefit of the public.

We want to raise adequate funding to maintain and market Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications widely, keeping it current and relevant to people in this densely populated urban environment where wireless radiation exposures are many and often hidden. Manhattan Neighbors will also be an outreach platform for the large and important global media audience located in Manhattan.

Can you support Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications?

A single donation or regular monthly donations would be greatly appreciated.


Please make a donation today?

The end result of Manhattan Neighbor’s widely disseminated EMF education will be empowered families, schools and businesses, and people questioning the sanity of our present approach to communications. The grass roots—you—will surely start asking questions. Engagement in the democratic process will naturally follow. Together, we can create a safer world.


We Need  You. Will you join us?

Please consider supporting us with a PayPal contribution today,
or schedule an automatic monthly donation.

Donations to 501(c)3 non-profit, National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy, are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.


Other ways you can help.

—Neighborhood Captains. Become a Neighborhood Captain and actively educate your neighborhood. We will support your efforts and suggest programs you could put on and initiatives you could begin, such as arranging for a local organization or library to loan out a Radiofrequency (or microwave radiation) measuring meter, as has been done in Ashland, MA.

—Donate Your Skills. New York is filled to the brim with high caliber professionals—do you have time and want to help? We’ll be forming an Executive Committee soon. We’d like marketing execs, lawyers, researchers, real estate management executives, building owners, people in government, addiction experts, professors, philanthropists, and more. Tell us how you can help. Your participation can certainly be kept confidential.

—Are You a Printer? We are looking for local printers wanting to discount or donate printing to support our work.

—Ask Your Health Food Store to Carry EMF Books!! Find out who makes the decisions and go talk with them.

—Distribute “The Wireless Elephant in the Room”! Tell the story of what is happening to us biologically. Everywhere. Educate your doctors, your children’s schools, and your friends and neighbors. Order booklet individually at Amazon or request deeply discounted volume pricing for over 250 booklets.

—Are You a Student? Invite us to speak on your campus. We’d be delighted!

—Are You a Videographer? We want to hear what is happening to people and what solutions people are finding. Send us your short video documentaries (max. 3 min.) with a statement giving permission for use. We’d like to feature some real life NYC EMF stories from time to time.

—Arrange for an EMF Presentation. We’ll come speak to schools, businesses, religious organizations, community centers, or at conferences. We’d like to support your efforts to educate others. Be in touch! Contact [email protected].

—Are you a CEO Wanting to Go EMF-Free? We are looking for one company willing to pave the way, and willing to measure the impacts on health and productivity. Contact [email protected].


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Support Manhattan Neighbors Today