Petition Calls on FDA to Comply with Its Legal Obligations re. Cell Phone & Wireless Radiation

May 24, 2023. A legal Petition was filed yesterday by Americans for Responsible Technology and other Petitioners calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to comply with its legal obligations re. public exposure to non-ionizing radiation emitted by electronic products, including cell phones, wireless devices and other wireless equipment and infrastructure.

The Petition was filed by Americans for Responsible Technology, along with Grassroots Environmental Education, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, California Brain Tumor Association, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications, and individual petitioners Michelle Lewis, Zen Honeycutt, Michele Hertz, and Laurie Brown. The Petition calls on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to fully execute, implement, fulfill and carry out its administrative obligations under 21 USC Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Subchapter V, Part C Electronic Product Radiation Control, Section 360ii -Program of Control, regarding public exposure to non-ionizing radiation, a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Petitioners also ask the FDA to make public, each year, a report detailing its activities and administrative actions that demonstrate full compliance with the specifications of the statute, especially as they relate to non-medical products and devices.

Petitioners say the FDA’s continued failure to obey the law related to its obligations is resulting in irreversible harm to public health, misleading health practitioners and causing harm to patients, students in school, children, homeowners, employees and the environment

Read Petition here.

Read Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications founder Camilla Rees’ letter in support of the Citizen Petition and Request for Legal Compliance with the Legal Obligations of the FDA Regarding Public Exposure to Non-Ionizing Radiation from Electronic Products submitted by Americans for Responsible Technology and other Petitioners.

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