William Rea, MD, Environmental Health Center, Wireless Pollution: The Epidemic of the 21st Century

Meet Dr. William Rea, founder of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas. Originally a cardiac surgeon, he founded the leading environmental medicine clinic in the U.S. in 1978. Here you will hear this thoughts on risks from electromagnetic fields and how he and his colleagues work to lower electrosensitivity in patients.


The Environmental Health Center approach includes neutralizing sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, but also neutralizing sensitivities to molds, foods and more. They use a generator to first assess what frequencies one has a reaction to, conducted in a shielded room, and then neutralize them using common immunology approaches. And they use oxygen therapies, as wireless technologies cause constriction of the tiny blood vessels and they cannot extract oxygen well. These and other approaches used at EHC can help to lower sensitivity, at least for now. But Dr.Rea calls this the epidemic of the 21st century, as the body has already shown it cannot handle frequencies well, and yet we are adding even more wireless technologies to our environment all the time.
Dr. Rea also says the effects of the frequencies work in synergy with other factors, like Glyphosate, where there is a coherence phenomenon occurring, exacerbating the effects and symptoms.
Dr. Rea is especially concerned about the cognitive effects from wireless technologies, such as short and long-term memory impairment, balance problems and confusion. He is concerned for society given the reductions in children’s IQ shown in one study where a school was exposed to a cell tower—the IQ went down 5 points. If this happened each year for the 6 years of grade school, he wonders, “How could this be worse? This does not bode well for the future of the whole world.”
Creating safe environments is of paramount concern for the large and growing population that Dr. Rea’s clinic serves. Thank you, Dr.Rea, for being on the forefront of environmental medicine.